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Contributor License Agreement (CLA)

In order to accept your pull request, we need you to submit a CLA. You only need to do this once, so if you've done this for another iFood open source project, you're good to go. iFood uses the cla-bot project to check the CLA assignment into all Pull Requests. To sign, the user must go to project, and commit a change adding your GitHub user inside the .clabot file.

After you have signed the CLA, must add a new PR comment with @cla-bot check message, that will trigger the bot and update the PR status. There's no need to open a new PR.

CLAs are required for us to merge your pull request. While we value your effort and are willing to wait for you to come back and address the reviews in case you are unavailable after sending the pull request, pull requests that are ready to merge but have CLA missing and no response from the author will be closed within two weeks of opening. If you have further questions about the CLA, please stay in touch with us.

If it happens that you were unavailable and your PR gets closed, feel free to reopen once it's ready! We are still happy to review it, help you complete it, and eventually merge it.